A new release of Bio7 is available.The application Bio7 is a free and open-source integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. Beside other programming tools it contains a feature complete development environment for R with an advanced R editor, R developer tools and interfaces to perform scientific image analysis with R and the embedded ImageJ application.
Just download the *.zip distribution file from https://bio7.org and unzip it in your preferred location. Bio7 comes bundled with Java Adoptium, R, Rserve and works out of the box.
Download and extract the installation file from https://bio7.org. Bio7 comes bundled with Java (Adoptium).
Please note that you have to start Bio7 with Xorg (X display server) because of JavaFX (can be disabled in the preferences).
For Linux you have to install R and a special compiled version of Rserve.
To install Rserve start the R console and paste the following command, see:
Download and extract the installation file from https://bio7.org. Bio7 comes bundled with Java (Adoptium).
For MacOSX you have to install R and a special compiled version of Rserve.
To install Rserve start the R console and paste the following command, see:
To start Bio7 after installation please follow this advice (sign app locally):
For more information about Bio7 please consult the soon updated Bio7 User Guide.
A plethora of Bio7 videotutorials for an introduction can be found on YouTube.