The function below generates a Shiny dropdown list including some icons.
library(shiny) library(fontawesome) library(htmltools) selectInputWithIcons <- function( inputId, inputLabel, labels, values, icons, iconStyle = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE, width = NULL ){ options <- mapply(function(label, value, icon){ list( "label" = label, "value" = value, "icon" = as.character(fa_i(icon, style = iconStyle)) ) }, labels, values, icons, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) render <- paste0( "{", " item: function(item, escape) {", " return '<span>' + item.icon + ' ' + escape(item.label) + '</span>';", " },", " option: function(item, escape) {", " return '<span>' + escape(item.label) + '</span>';", " }", "}" ) widget <- selectizeInput( inputId = inputId, label = inputLabel, choices = NULL, selected = selected, multiple = multiple, width = width, options = list( "options" = options, "valueField" = "value", "labelField" = "label", "render" = I(render), "items" = as.list(selected) ) ) attachDependencies(widget, fa_html_dependency(), append = TRUE) } ui <- fluidPage( br(), selectInputWithIcons( "slctz", "Select an animal:", labels = c("I want a dog", "I want a cat"), values = c("dog", "cat"), icons = c("dog", "cat"), iconStyle = "font-size: 3rem; vertical-align: middle;", selected = "cat" ) ) server <- function(input, output, session){ observe({ print(input[["slctz"]]) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
The other function below has the same purpose, but this one allows to include some icons in the group headers.
library(shiny) library(fontawesome) library(htmltools) selectInputWithIcons <- function( inputId, inputLabel, groupsizes, labels, values, icons, iconStyle = NULL, glabels, gvalues, gicons, giconStyle = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE, width = NULL ){ options <- mapply(function(label, value, icon){ list( "label" = label, "value" = value, "icon" = as.character(fa_i(icon, style = iconStyle)) ) }, labels, values, icons, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) groups <- rep(gvalues, groupsizes) for(i in seq_along(options)) { options[[i]][["group"]] <- groups[i] } optgroups <- mapply(function(label, value, icon){ list( "label" = label, "value" = value, "icon" = as.character(fa_i(icon, style = giconStyle)) ) }, glabels, gvalues, gicons, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) render <- paste0( "{", " item: function(item, escape) {", " return '<div class=\"item\">' + item.icon + ", " ' ' + escape(item.label) + '</div>';", " },", " optgroup_header: function(item, escape) {", " return '<div class=\"optgroup-header\">' + item.icon + ", " ' ' + escape(item.label) + '</div>';", " }", "}" ) widget <- selectizeInput( inputId = inputId, label = inputLabel, choices = NULL, selected = selected, multiple = multiple, width = width, options = list( "options" = options, "optgroups" = optgroups, "valueField" = "value", "labelField" = "label", "optgroupField" = "group", "render" = I(render), "items" = as.list(selected) ) ) attachDependencies(widget, fa_html_dependency(), append = TRUE) } ui <- fluidPage( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(".optgroup-header {font-size: 21px !important;}")) ), br(), selectInputWithIcons( "slctz", "Select something:", groupsizes = c(2, 2, 2), labels = c("Drum", "Guitar", "Mouse", "Keyboard", "Hammer", "Screwdriver"), values = c("drum", "guitar", "mouse", "keyboard", "hammer", "screwdriver"), icons = c("drum", "guitar", "computer-mouse", "keyboard", "hammer", "screwdriver"), iconStyle = "font-size: 2rem; vertical-align: middle;", glabels = c("Music", "Computer", "Tools"), gvalues = c("music", "computer", "tools"), gicons = c("music", "computer", "toolbox"), giconStyle = "font-size: 3rem; vertical-align: middle;", selected = "drum" ) ) server <- function(input, output, session){ observe({ print(input[["slctz"]]) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)