I had the opportunity to present an automated Quarto dashboard on Posit’s Monthly End-to-End Workflow with Posit Team, followed by a Q&A. The project involved a script that retrieves Consumer Price Index (CPI) data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) API, processes and cleans the data, and saves it as a pin using the {pins} package to Posit Connect1. A .qmd
file then reads the pinned data and generates a Quarto dashboard, which is deployed to Posit Connect. Both the script and the .qmd
file are scheduled to run monthly on Posit Connect, ensuring the pin and dashboard always reflect the latest data from the BLS. You can watch the recording here:
The workflow was implemented in Python, and one of the most common questions I received was, “Can I do this in R?” The answer is: absolutely! A key advantage of the tools used in this workflow is their multilingualism or the availability of equivalent tools in both R and Python.
This blog post will guide you through the equivalent workflow in R, which can be found in this repository. If you’re interested in the Python version, you can explore it in this repository.
This post features Posit Connect heavily, but there are other tools available. For example,I’ve written a blog post on creating an automated dashboard using {flexdashboard} and GitHub Actions, which you can check out here.
That’s right! With version 1.4, Quarto now supports dashboards — a new output format for easily creating dashboards from notebooks in R, Python, or Julia. You can include plots, tables, value boxes, and text, and deploy your dashboards as static web pages (no special server needed). For enhanced interactivity, you can integrate a backend Shiny server. You can also customize the appearance by adding a Bootstrap theme or custom Sass elements.
To learn more about creating dashboards, check out the Quarto documentation or watch my R-Ladies Rome Quarto Dashboards talk.
This dashboard uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The CPI monitors changes in the prices of a basket of goods over time, covering a range of categories, and is updated monthly. The dashboard automatically refreshes each month when the latest BLS data is released.
To open the project in RStudio, navigate to File > New Project > Version Control and paste the following URL: https://github.com/posit-marketing/inflation-explorer.git.
The files in the project include:
├── images │ └── logo.png # Logo image to use in the dashboard ├── .gitignore # Files and folders to ignore when pushing up changes ├── README.md # Project overview and setup instructions ├── _publish.yml # File for specifying the publishing destination ├── _quarto.yml # Quarto project configuration file ├── all_data_report.json # JSON version of the downloaded BLS data ├── custom.scss # Custom Sass file ├── index.qmd # Quarto dashboard document └── script.R # Python script version of the ETL script
In the Python version of this demo, I created a virtual environment. Virtual environments are commonly used to manage dependencies and isolate project-specific packages. In R, using virtual environments are less common. R installs packages either system-wide or in user-specific library paths. If you are an RStudio Projects user, the project-specific settings manage your dependencies. And in general, R’s package management system is more flexible with handling packages. However, the {renv} package provides similar functionality to Python’s virtual environments by managing project-specific dependencies and package versions.
Environment variables are variables that are needed for code but should not be publicly shared. This project has three:
: A BLS API access token, obtained at https://www.bls.gov/developers/home.htm.CONNECT_SERVER
: The URL for the Connect server.CONNECT_API_KEY
: The access key for the Connect server.To store these variables in your R environment (.Renviron
), you can use Sys.setenv()
in your Terminal:
Sys.setenv("connect api key here")
Or, you can edit your .Renviron
file using the {usethis} package. Run usethis::edit_r_environ()
to open the .Renviron file and add the variables manually.
We use a script to pull raw data from the BLS API, clean it for use in our dashboard, and then save it as a pin. This process, known as Extract-Transform-Load (ETL), is executed in the script.R
#' --- #' title: "R script file" #' --- library(httr2) library(jsonlite) library(dplyr) 1library(pins) library(tidyr) library(purrr) library(lubridate) library(stringr) 2# Environment variables bls_key <- Sys.getenv("BLS_KEY") connect_server <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_SERVER") connect_api_key <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY") 3# BLS tables table_ids <- c( "CUUR0000SA0", "CUUR0000SA0L1E", "CUUR0000SAF1", "CUUR0000SA0E", "CUUR0000SETB01", "CUUR0000SAM", "CUUR0000SEMC01", "CUUR0000SEMD01", "CUUR0000SEMF01", "CUUR0000SAH1" ) id_to_label <- c( "CUUR0000SA0" = "All groups CPI", "CUUR0000SA0L1E" = "All items less food and energy", "CUUR0000SAF1" = "Food", "CUUR0000SA0E" = "Energy", "CUUR0000SETB01" = "Gasoline", "CUUR0000SAM" = "Medical care", "CUUR0000SEMC01" = "Physicians' services", "CUUR0000SEMD01" = "Hospital services", "CUUR0000SEMF01" = "Prescription drugs", "CUUR0000SAH1" = "Shelter" ) 4# Pull BLS API data get_bls_data <- function(parameters) { response <- request("https://api.bls.gov/publicAPI/v2/timeseries/data/") |> req_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json") |> req_body_json(parameters, auto_unbox = TRUE) |> req_perform() if (resp_status(response) != 200) { stop(paste("API Error:", resp_status(response))) } return(resp_body_json(response)) } all_data <- list() for (table_id in table_ids) { parameters <- list( registrationkey = bls_key, seriesid = list(table_id), startyear = "2018", endyear = "2024", calculations = TRUE ) bls_data_object <- get_bls_data(parameters) all_data[[table_id]] <- bls_data_object } file_path <- file.path(getwd(), "all_data_report.json") write_json(all_data, path = file_path, pretty = TRUE) dat <- fromJSON(file_path) 5# Clean data series_dat <- dat |> map( ~ .x$Results$series) |> map( ~ tibble(seriesID = .x$seriesID, data = .x$data)) |> list_rbind() combined_dat <- series_dat |> unnest(data) clean_dat <- combined_dat |> mutate( year_month = ymd(paste(year, str_sub(period, 2, 3), "01", sep = "-")), value = as.numeric(value), seriesID = as.character(seriesID), category_label = recode(seriesID, !!!id_to_label) ) january_2018_values <- clean_dat |> filter(year_month == ymd("2018-01-01")) |> select(seriesID, jan_2018_value = value) |> distinct() joined_dat <- clean_dat |> left_join(january_2018_values, by = "seriesID") final_cpi_dat <- joined_dat |> mutate( jan_2018_diff = value - jan_2018_value, jan_2018_pct_change = (jan_2018_diff / jan_2018_value) * 100 ) |> arrange(year_month) |> mutate(percent_change_from_previous_month = (value / lag(value) - 1) * 100, .by = category_label) 6# Pin data to Connect board <- board_connect() pin_write(board = board, name = "isabella.velasquez/bls-cpi-data", x = final_cpi_dat)
Posit Connect supports rendering script files (e.g., .py
or .R
). Once deployed to Connect, these scripts can be scheduled for automatic refresh and their output can be emailed, similar to other content on Connect. For more details, refer to the Scripts documentation.
To publish script.R
to Connect, run the following command:
rsconnect::deployApp(appFiles = "script.R")
This is the content owner view of the deployed script. You can configure it to update daily at 11 PM PT using the configuration pane.
Now, we can move on to actually creating a Quarto dashboard!
--- title: "Inflation explorer: showing the change in price for various goods and services" format: 1 dashboard: 2 logo: images/logo.png nav-buttons: - icon: github href: "https://github.com/ivelasq/inflation-explorer" theme: - pulse - custom.scss 3resource_files: - custom.scss - images/logo.png --- 4```{r} #| label: setup #| include: false library(pins) library(lubridate) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(gt) library(plotly) 5board <- board_connect( auth = "manual", server = "https://pub.demo.posit.team/", key = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY") ) df <- pin_read(board = board, name = "isabella.velasquez/bls-cpi-data") |> mutate(year_month = as.Date(year_month, format = "%Y-%m-%d")) # Value for last updated date last_updated_date <- df |> summarise(last_updated_date = max(year_month)) |> pull(last_updated_date) # Value for the percentage change from the previous month cpi_df <- df |> filter(seriesID == "CUUR0000SA0") latest_cpi_value <- cpi_df |> summarise(latest_value = last(value)) |> pull(latest_value) latest_cpi_percent_change <- cpi_df |> filter(year_month == last_updated_date) |> pull(jan_2018_pct_change) # Data for table pivot_df <- df |> select(category_label, year_month, percent_change_from_previous_month) |> pivot_wider(names_from = year_month, values_from = percent_change_from_previous_month) %>% select(category_label, tail(names(.), 5)) |> arrange(desc(category_label)) ``` ## Row {height=20%} ```{r} #| label: valuebox1 #| content: valuebox #| title: "Last updated" #| color: #fff 6last_updated_date ``` ```{r} #| label: valuebox2 #| content: valuebox #| title: "Consumer Price Index (CPI)" #| icon: basket 7list( value = round(latest_cpi_value, 2), icon = "basket", color = "primary" ) ``` ```{r} #| label: valuebox3 #| content: valuebox #| title: "Increase from previous month" #| icon: percent #| color: primary value = round(latest_cpi_percent_change, 2) ``` ## Row {height=80%} ### Column {width=20%} The **Consumer Price Index (CPI)** is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for select utility, automotive fuel, and food items are also available. **Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics** ### Column {.tabset width=80%} ```{r} #| label: pct-change-jan-2018-code #| include: false 8df <- df %>% arrange(desc(category_label), desc(year_month)) p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = year_month, y = jan_2018_pct_change, color = category_label, group = category_label)) + geom_line(aes(group = category_label)) + scale_color_manual(values = ifelse(df$category_label == "All groups CPI", "#765AAF", "#765AAF")) + theme_minimal() + theme( axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 9) ) ``` ::: {.card title="Percentage change since Jan 2018"} Use this inflation data explorer to see which goods and services are getting cheaper or more expensive in the U.S. ```{r} #| fig-width: 20 #| fig-height: 8 ggplotly(p1) ``` ::: ```{r} #| label: pct-change-monthly-code #| include: false latest_month_data <- df %>% filter(year_month == max(year_month)) %>% arrange(desc(percent_change_from_previous_month)) top_six_categories <- latest_month_data %>% slice_head(n = 6) p2 <- ggplot( top_six_categories, aes( x = reorder(category_label, -percent_change_from_previous_month), y = percent_change_from_previous_month, fill = category_label ) ) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "BuPu"))(6))) + labs(x = "", y = "Percent Change") + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 0.1)) + theme_minimal() + theme( legend.position = "none", axis.text.x = element_text(size = 24), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 24) ) + coord_flip() ``` ::: {.card title="Last month's top 6"} Percentage change in CPI by category for the last month, top six categories ```{r} #| fig-width: 18 #| fig-height: 8 p2 ``` ::: ```{r} #| label: pct-change-monthly-table #| title: "Monthly changes in prices" colnames(pivot_df)[1] <- "Category" colnames(pivot_df)[-1] <- format(ymd(colnames(pivot_df)[-1]), "%B %Y") pivot_gt <- pivot_df %>% 9 gt() %>% tab_header( title = "Monthly Percent Change by Category", subtitle = "Last four months" ) %>% fmt_number( columns = 2:5, decimals = 2, ) %>% tab_style( style = cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center"), locations = cells_column_labels(everything()) ) |> data_color( method = "numeric", palette = "BuPu" ) pivot_gt ```
to create a Quarto dashboard.
format as needed.
There are several ways to publish Quarto dashboards, as detailed in the publishing section of the Quarto website. In the webinar, I focused on Posit Connect. If you’re using RStudio, there are multiple deployment options for Connect, including push-button publishing, Git-backed publishing, and command-line publishing. Posit Connect also allows you to schedule document and script refreshes through a user-friendly configuration window.
Posit’s enterprise publishing platform.︎
To publish scripts, your Connect account must be linked. For details, refer to the Publishing documentation. Additionally, you need to provide the environment variables to Connect for use in the script. This can be done via the configuration pane or within the rsconnect::deployApp()