Day 30 of 30DayMapChallenge: « The final map » (previously).
This data, although not a “real” administrative limit, is often used in many different applications, see for example the BNV-D.
There is no free, up-to-date, layer of polygon boundaries for french postal codes.
library(readr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(stringr) library(purrr) library(ggplot2) library(glue) library(janitor) library(sf)
# Postal codes as point by commune cp_points <- read_csv("", name_repair = make_clean_names) |> separate(geopoint, into = c("lat", "lon"), sep = ",", convert = TRUE) |> drop_na(lon, lat) |> st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = "EPSG:4326") |> filter(str_sub(code_commune_insee, 1, 3) < "987") |> mutate(proj = case_when(str_sub(code_commune_insee, 1, 3) %in% c("971", "972", "977", "978") ~ "EPSG:5490", str_sub(code_commune_insee, 1, 3) == "973" ~ "EPSG:2972", str_sub(code_commune_insee, 1, 3) == "974" ~ "EPSG:2975", str_sub(code_commune_insee, 1, 3) == "976" ~ "EPSG:4471", .default = "EPSG:2154")) # France limits, to clip voronoi polygons fr <- read_sf("", layer = "departement") |> mutate(terr = if_else(insee_reg > "06", "fx", insee_reg)) |> group_by(terr) |> summarise() # Communes limits and population to give the name of the postal code as the # biggest commune (by pop) com <- read_sf("", layer = "commune")
We will create voronoï polygons from grouped postal codes points.
st_rename_geom <- function(x, name) { names(x)[names(x) == attr(x, "sf_column")] <- name st_geometry(x) <- name return(x) } # We need to use a projection for each territory to avoid geometry errors voronoi <- function(df, k) { df_proj <- df |> st_transform(pull(k, proj)) df_proj |> st_union() |> st_voronoi() |> st_cast() |> st_intersection(st_transform(fr, pull(k, proj))) |> st_sf() |> st_rename_geom("geom") |> st_join(df_proj) |> group_by(code_postal) |> summarise() |> st_transform("EPSG:4326") } # get the names of the main town of each postal code noms <- cp_points |> st_join(com |> select(insee_com, nom, population)) |> group_by(code_postal) |> slice_max(population, n = 1, with_ties = FALSE) |> select(code_postal, nom) |> st_drop_geometry() # create the voronoï for each territory cp_poly <- cp_points |> group_by(proj) |> group_modify(voronoi) |> ungroup() |> select(-proj) |> st_sf() |> left_join(noms, join_by(code_postal))
An extract only on métropole:
cp_poly |> filter(str_sub(code_postal, 1, 2) < "97") |> st_transform("EPSG:2154") |> ggplot() + geom_sf(fill = "#eeeeee", color = "#bbbbbb", linewidth = .1) + labs(title = "Codes postaux", subtitle = "France métropolitaine - 2024", caption = glue(" - {Sys.Date()} data: La Poste")) + theme_void() + theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 6, color = "darkgrey"))
cp_poly |> st_write("codes_postaux_fr_2024.gpkg", delete_layer = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, layer_options = c("IDENTIFIER=Codes postaux France 2024", glue("DESCRIPTION=Métropole + DROM WGS84. d'après données La Poste + IGN Adminexpress - {Sys.Date()}")))
Get the file: polygones des codes postaux français 2024 (geopackage WGS84) (3 MB).