WordPress开发团队昨天发布消息称,WordPress 4.3版本将会在主题体系中增加一个新模板:singular.php。从功能上讲,该模板singluar.php类似于single.php,page.php;区别在于,新模板与文章类型无关。这是一个非常令人振奋的消息。WordPress开发团队官方博客中,是这样介绍singluar.php模板的:A new theme template has been added to the theme hierarchy as ofr32846: singular.php. This template follows the rules ofis_singularand is used for a single post, irregardless of post type. It comes in the hierarchy after single.php, page.php, and the variations of each. Themes that used the same code for both of those files (or included one in the other) can now simplify down to the one template.之前,在WordPress的主题体系中,