【摘要】Understanding Query, Key, Value in Transformers and LLMs This self-attention process is at the core of what makes transformers so powerful. They allow阅读全文
【摘要】An intuitive introduction to text embeddings (收集于2024-03-02) How does the (decoder-only) transformer architecture work? (收集于2024-03-03)阅读全文
【摘要】学习材料 Microsoft Semantic Kernel – Some Tips & Tricks To Get Rendered Prompts Templatizing your prompts Semantic Kernel 源码中的示例 Example76_Filters 准备 .NET阅读全文
【摘要】今天在一个 ASP.NET Core 7.0 的项目中遇到反射时 "Could not load file or assembly" 的问题,build 时没问题,运行时出现异常"Unable to load one or more of the requested types.",找不到的程序集是 `Cnblogs.UCenter.DTO` 程序集所依赖的阅读全文