Avada是来自themeforest的一套wordpress企业主题,这套wordpress主题功能十分强大,可以通过后台的自定义设置出各种页面风格和布局,满足你的个性化页面定制需求,不过国外的主题一般功能越强大也就意味这使用的难度也就越高了,所以不推荐新手使用国外的这种设置复杂的主题。主题介绍图片主题介绍Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of websiteThe Ultimate Multi-Purpose WordPress ThemeWordPress 4.0 Tested and Approved, and compatible with WP 3.2+WordPress Multi-Site (WPMU) Tested and ApprovedBuilt with HTML5 and CSS3SEO Optimized, Great SEO base already built-in (compatible with SEO Plugins like Yoast)Well organized, commented & clean codeCross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE1