北京798艺术区是一个具有广泛影响力的艺术区,也是一个具有很多工业遗存的街区,这里充斥着不同时期的工业厂房,同时也混杂着艺术区形成以来不断翻新的各种艺术机构的建筑,整个艺术区具有一种野性的活力和自由性,和周围的商业开发形成了鲜明的对比,这种特殊性吸引了陶磊建筑选择这里作为事务所的办公场所。Beijing’s 798 Art District is a vibrant, influential art hub, as well as an industrial heritage park. It features a mix of industrial plants from various periods alongside art spaces that have been continually repurposed from the old buildings over the time. The entire area pulses with a raw vitality and freedom, standing in stark contrast to the surrounding commercial development. This unique character made it an ideal location for TAOA’s