声明:本文非原创,原地址是github上yuezih的King-of-Pigeon仓库,但目前作者已经删除了该仓库。原作者删库跑路的原因是自己组里的鸽子飞跑了,这里还是倡导大家谨慎鸽老师。 King of Pigeon:计算机保研文书实用模板 --- ### What's New 2022/10/27 Overhauled and removed some useless content. 2022/04/08 Added Resume (or CV) template and Festival Wishes templates. 2022/03/15 Some updates to meet 100 stars! 2022/03/14 We published a Python package with the Python Package Index, try pip install pigeonking && pigeonking! 2022/03/14 Reimplemented the code with Github Copilot. 2021/11/07 Added How to Breakup Without Just Cause template. 2021/09/17 Added Recommendation Letter Request and Recomme