在潮州,顾忆把废弃的校舍改建成一片巨大的树荫—《梦想改造家》第十一季之潮州“大吴会客厅”In Chaozhou, Architect Gu Yi has revamped an abandoned school into “shade of trees”– “Dream Home”, Season 11 – Chaozhou “Living Room of Dawu Village” “一定要傍晚去。夕阳打在榕树上,映照在白色的墙面 ,树影斑驳。是记忆中的幼儿园。”——大吴村民“One should wander around during sunset.The sun shines on the old, mister banyan tree, projecting natural lights on the white walls, with mottled shadows.The building, it was the kindergarten in our memories.”——Villagers from Dawu ∇ ©Y³ STUDIO 记忆中的幼儿园是懵懂、甜蜜且富足雀跃的。出现在建筑师顾忆面前的教学场景,是孤寂、 破败,到处是被时间遗忘的味道。The kindergarten in arc