在时代的呼唤中,传统老字号同仁堂也开始布局数字化未来,北京同仁堂健康大兴制造基地应运而生。八万余平的C2M智造互联基地从产供销三个维度全面升级品牌的数字大健康产业。In response to the call of the times, the traditional brand Tong Ren Tang has also begun to layout its digital future. The Tong Ren Tang Health Daxing Manufacturing Base in Beijing has emerged. The 80,000-square-meter C2M Smart Manufacturing Interconnected Base comprehensively upgrades the brand’s digital health industry from three dimensions: production, supply, and marketing. 作为基地主体的C2M制造中心是实现数字化转型升级、智能排产的重要区域。健康膳食补充剂数字元宇宙参观廊将打通线上线下的经营模式,赋能全国1800家门店,呈现品牌从过去、现在到未来的发展历程,重塑新零售时代前店后厂的展销模式。围绕着的数字时代的新感观体验,打造集设