项目位于北京市朝阳区兆龙饭店附属楼,建筑占地面积1500平米,紧邻北京最繁华商业街区三里屯商区。项目为三层独立建筑,前身曾是餐厅,健身房,宴会厅三个独立空间,经大观设计改造后,合并成一个独立的医疗美容医院。设计旨在打造出一个可容纳100人灵活工作环境,包含接待区,等候区,咨询区,办公区,治疗室,注射室,手术室及相关专业功能区域的综合类医疗美容医院。The project is located in the auxiliary building of the Zhaolong Hotel in Beijing’s Chaoyang District, covering an area of 1,500 square meters and adjacent to Sanlitun, the most bustling commercial area of Beijing. The project is a three-storey independent building, formerly composed of three independent spaces: a restaurant, a gym, and a banquet hall. The three independent spaces mentioned above have been transform