ROARINGWILD这个源于街头的服饰品牌,14年来,一直以来从自身产品到商业空间都在做不一样的尝试。而在零售行业急剧变化的时代,ROARINGWILD开始重新思考自己,提纯自身产品,精简零售空间,设计可延展与迭代的艺术品家具,在控制成本的同时最大化的满足展示与零售需求。ROARINGWILD, a street culturebased fashion brand, has been making unique attempts for 14 years, from its products to its commercial spaces. In the rapidly changing retail industry, ROARINGWILD has begun to rethink its approach, refining its products, simplifying retail spaces, and designing modular and evolving art furniture. This strategy maximizes the display and retail satisfaction while controlling costs. ∇ 项目概况,project overview ©樊钊明 项目位于深圳宝安壹方城,处于室内商场与室外