Miquella深受Berserk里面Griffith格里菲斯的影响,我自己对Berserk了解不够多,一些信息也是我从Reddit获取的,但明显Elden Ring致敬此作的地方相当之多。关键词: 长发,中性/女性化,有极度忠诚的女武神/战士,魅惑术,近乎神祇,野心十足,诅咒,诅咒成童身,在蚕茧中沉睡,孵化,Mohg对他的痴迷也和Berserk里面贵族对格林菲斯的痴迷类似。A fair haired, androgynous leader with a power to draw followers and inspire affection; with a potential to become a true god (empyrean); and unceasing ambition to do anything in his power to achieve his goals (rejecting his father's Golden Order, attempting to grow another Erdtree, discovering means of repelling the Outer Gods' influence), who slumbers within an egg-like cocoon (whereupon him waking up even